jails issue after 100Mbps

Hi first of all, hi people, I am cgigeek, been reading FreeBSD forums for years now :)

Now to business:
I have some decent servers, Dual Duo 3G with any web-server mrtg ends up with downtime, like only a straight line each 30 mins to an hour, not the normal downtime if a web-server has died, or server rebooting, a single line all the way to the bottom, or almost all the way to the bottom.
I have checked server and it has not died, nor has the webserver died, it only happens in excess of 100Mbps, it's almost like the network vanishes for a second.

last pid: 31435;  load averages:  0.01,  0.05,  0.00                                     up 2+03:08:13  22:17:05
25 processes:  1 running, 24 sleeping
CPU:  0.2% user,  0.0% nice,  1.5% system,  0.0% interrupt, 98.3% idle
Mem: 1160M Active, 5265M Inact, 1134M Wired, 334M Cache, 828M Buf, 22M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 16K Used, 4096M Free
It's quite possible the measurements are incorrect. Check the MRTG configuration. When it's unable to get a new value it will either use the last measured result or zero. Both will result in a flat line.
While installing munin-master in the jail I saw the server freeze while downloading some munin files, and the graph had the hole again.
Ok, basically the jail cannot do much more then 100MBPS, when it does not, it freezes, not so the host.

ifconfig_em0="inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.  netmask"
ifconfig : media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>
I doubt this has anything to do with a jail as it uses the same network stack as the host.
Think this is an em0 1000 procurve thing, settled auto-1000 on procurve and test server reached 150M without problems. Will test tomorrow again on peak traffic.

Thanks SirDice.
ProCurve? That's an HP switch, isn't it? You must mean Intel PRO/1000.
DutchDaemon said:
ProCurve? That's an HP switch, isn't it? You must mean Intel PRO/1000.

Procurve Switch plus Intel PRO/1000, setting auto-1000 solved the problem, intel nic could not negotiate pass 110Mbps with web traffic but could rsync at 300MBPS, go figure.