jails Jail Freezes & Restarts Host

I have a few jails running on a machine. On entering the first jail with "jexec JAILID" and running "portmaster -aByDGP," the entire OS freezes then restart.
I caught a dump here:

This is nullfs crashing base OS, I suppose. I am currently doing a custom kernel/userland build in order to update the box. And it is going smoothly. It is just this one jail (or with others yet unknown) that kills the box on entering it and trying a few commands - e.g. make install and less. Ezjail is now decommissioned; no other jail utility used. Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Does this October 2013 post bear any resemblance?

unionfs related panic on 10.0-ALPHA4

(Apparently to freebsd-current, although I don't see it at <https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2013-October/thread.html>.)

There's mention of a bug that's a duplicate of this open bug:
Probably unrelated. nullfs at the top of your photograph, compared to this in the e-mail:

panic: __lockmgr_args: downgrade a recursed lockmgr zfs @
If you can reproduce this on a generic kernel running up-to-date supported version of FreeBSD please make sure you have dumps available and open a PR for this. That's the best way to get any support for this and make devs aware of the problem.
If you can reproduce this on a generic kernel running up-to-date supported version of FreeBSD please make sure you have dumps available and open a PR for this. That's the best way to get any support for this and make devs aware of the problem.
150patches applied but no luck.
Other jails could run these commands without glitch. I shall try submit a PR while I keep looking for a fix.

Thank you Sirs.