Solved Issues with XFCE4 after major release Upgrade


Facing issues with XFCE4 GUI after a successful major release upgrade from 13.3 to 14.1.

Unable to start GUI as a non-root user. The screen freezes!

Nothing in dmesg or Xorg.0.log regarding this.
root@localhost:~ # dmesg -a | grep error
iwmbtfw: iwmbt_hci_command: libusb_interrupt_transfer() failed: err=Other error

root@localhost:~ # cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep error
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.

How to resolve it?

You may have my same issue, check these links out if you recognize the same pattern:

You may have my same issue, check these links out if you recognize the same pattern:

Hi freezr

I think it's a different issue.

I am able to start GUI on root-user without any issues. It's the non-root user that has problems!

The command in the post you linked does not resolve the issue.

What graphics driver are you using?
root@localhost:~ # pkg info | grep drm-kmod
drm-kmod-20220907_3            Metaport of DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components
gpu-firmware-kmod-20240401,1   Firmware modules for the drm-kmod drivers

Do you have more than one GPU available in your system?
root@localhost:~ #  pciconf -lv | grep -B4 VGA
vgapci0@pci0:0:2:0:    class=0x030000 rev=0x09 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x1616 subvendor=0x17aa subdevice=0x5020
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    device     = 'HD Graphics 5500'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA
If you haven't done so, update all packages because you did a major release update.

Because at the moment we are in the three months overlap period of 14.0-R and 14.1-R when both are supported, packages are still build for 14.0. All packages should work fine on 14.1 except for a very few kernel modules, such as probably contained in your graphics packages.

If you have installed all your packages with pkg(8), install graphics/drm-kmod by building it from ports yourself. Building it should pull in graphics/drm-61-kmod (you can verify that after the build with pkg list | grep drm).

Packages will be build for 14.1 when the overlap periods ends and 14.0-R goes EOL. From that moment on you can use packages.

Pkg upgrade completed successfully, now i am able to do GUI Login as a non-root user, with exec startxfce4.

Erichans installing drm-kmod from ports did not pull drm-61-kmod. Tried installing it from ports or pkg ended with issues with error1 & pkg not found respectively.

Installing from ports. I don't know what happened in your case, your description is missing details what went wrong when you tried exactly what commands. Building drm-kmod should build drm-61-kmod for a 14.1-R. This is in its makefile as a dependency, drm-kmod/Makefile (check your local /usr/ports/graphics/drm-kmod/Makefile):
.  elif ${OSVERSION} >= 1400508
RUN_DEPENDS+=	${KMODDIR}/drm.ko:graphics/drm-61-kmod
_DRM_ARCHS=	amd64 powerpc64 powerpc64le
If you have downloaded a fresh copy of sources from the FreeBSD ports repository as described in the handbook, you'll find /usr/ports/graphics/drm-61-kmod/ containing the relevant source files.

[...] pkg ended with issues with error1 & pkg not found respectively.
I get:
$ pkg search drm-61-kmod
$ echo $? 
That's because currently there are no drm-61-kmod packages for 14.x-R available from the remote FreeBSD package repositories; I don't know the reason for that. As you can see at graphics/drm-61-kmod, they are only available for "FreeBSD:15:latest", i.e. -CURRENT.

Can you give the output of freebsd-version -kru?
Installing from ports. I don't know what happened in your case, your description is missing details what went wrong when you tried exactly what commands. Building drm-kmod should build drm-61-kmod for a 14.1-R. This is in its makefile as a dependency, drm-kmod/Makefile (check your local /usr/ports/graphics/drm-kmod/Makefile):
.  elif ${OSVERSION} >= 1400508
RUN_DEPENDS+=    ${KMODDIR}/drm.ko:graphics/drm-61-kmod
_DRM_ARCHS=    amd64 powerpc64 powerpc64le
If you have downloaded a fresh copy of sources from the FreeBSD ports repository as described in the handbook, you'll find /usr/ports/graphics/drm-61-kmod/ containing the relevant source files.

I get:
$ pkg search drm-61-kmod
$ echo $?
That's because currently there are no drm-61-kmod packages for 14.x-R available from the remote FreeBSD package repositories; I don't know the reason for that. As you can see at graphics/drm-61-kmod, they are only available for "FreeBSD:15:latest", i.e. -CURRENT.

Can you give the output of freebsd-version -kru?
Hi Erichans

Output of freebsd-version -kru is as given below:
$ freebsd-version -kru

Currently running portupgrade -a, yesterday i changed 'Quaterly' updates to 'Latest' & pkg upgrade -f remains to be run.

Error 1 in reply#13 of this thread was a typo, it was actually Error code 1!
