Is This vBulletin Error ?

When i click this link :
[ you can experiment with your User ID u=XXXX ]

In this page, @ Right three box with th efollowing title are there
*Mini Statistics
*Recent Visitors

In that title bar An image Button (>>) which point to this
is there.

Now After Clicking all the Three Buttons makes those three box minimised.

After that Clicking on any forum link (e.g. User CP
results the following.

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Apache/2.2.x (FreeBSD) Server at Port 443


The situation remains so even when I restart FIrefox Browser !!!
The Err Occured in Opera Too :(

I deleted the following Cookie.

Now it works Fine :)

Did any one faced such ?
or are you able to recreate this trouble following mentioned above steps ?

Why it is happening So? Is This vBulletin Error or Browser or User Should not do such things :e

Please Comment
Nope, it's an issue in our apache configuration.

You gotta have to wait while we resolve it (if we will ever :-)). However thanks for your report!
Allvitalherbals said:
Yes This vBulletin is big Error to do spam our links.

??? Please don't use those translator programs. They're horrible and create completely unreadable texts.