Solved Is it possible to not build but install heavy packages in poudriere?

Hi. I want to test ports that I have made with poudriere testport but I don't want to build heavy packages that would took long time to build on my computer. Is it possible to install binary packages like electron and/or rust into jail owned by poudriere? I tried pkg -j <jailname> install <path to package.pkg> but couldn't succeed.
The -devel version of poudriere allows you to use packages whenever possible.

     -b name      Specify the name of the binary package branch to use to
                  prefetch packages.  Should be "latest", "quarterly",
                  "release_*", or url.

                  See poudriere-bulk(8) for further details.
I was wondering what the -devel version of poudriere provide and it seems I found the feature I needed in it, thanks.
I read the poudriere-bulk(8) page and I see the same feature in there too, so is it merged into normal poudriere or not?
I read the poudriere-bulk(8) page and I see the same feature in there too, so is it merged into normal poudriere or not?
No, I don't think so. The web manual browser suffers a bit when two different ports have the same manual pages. So it's probably showing the manual pages from poudriere-devel, not poudriere.
Okay. Fortunately they made a feature like that, it is a life saver. Thanks for making me realize there is this feature existing again.