Traveller Map is a web service for mapping with the Traveller RPG game. It is open source under the Apache license, and unfortunately heavily relies on Windows - specifically .NET, IIS, and MSSQL.
Not being very familiar with Windows development (or development in general, for that matter), I'm wondering how possible it is for a person to make something like this work under FreeBSD with nginx/apache and without it turning into a major rewrite of the entire tool.
Is this something a motivated and competent developer could knock out in a few hours? Or would this be doomed to failure from the start? Is it even worth putting in the WantedPorts list?
Not being very familiar with Windows development (or development in general, for that matter), I'm wondering how possible it is for a person to make something like this work under FreeBSD with nginx/apache and without it turning into a major rewrite of the entire tool.
Is this something a motivated and competent developer could knock out in a few hours? Or would this be doomed to failure from the start? Is it even worth putting in the WantedPorts list?