… silent channels. …

I might have begun to see what you mean.

In some channels, I see:
  • a fair proportion of recognisable nicknames that should be for human beings
  • no human activity.
I'll be more patient. Twenty-four hours with no-one answering "Yes" or "No" to a very simple question is probably not long enough (that's sincere, not sarcastic – I know the old IRC etiquette).

I use the commercial service irccloud. It keeps channel history for me when I'm not logged in.

Does irccloud identify itself as such, or does it appear as a person's nickname?
Does irccloud identify itself as such, or does it appear as a person's nickname?
You still show up with whatever nickname you want to everybody else.

It's just a so called "bouncer" service. Instead of directly connecting to the actual IRC network from your client, you have a server/service (the bouncer) that you connect to. That bouncer connects to the actual IRC network.
Benefits of such a bouncer scheme include:
  • Connect from multiple clients simultaneously
  • Don't miss messages/activities
  • Hide your actual availability, location, network information
A popular non-commercial alternative is irc/znc.
Does irccloud identify itself as such, or does it appear as a person's nickname?

You have your own username, in fact I use the same password-protected one I used without irccloud.

You can usually tell who is using irccloud because they have very hand snippets and picture hosting service. They appear as urls to text-only users.
I might have begun to see what you mean.

In some channels, I see:
  • a fair proportion of recognisable nicknames that should be for human beings
  • no human activity.
I'll be more patient. Twenty-four hours with no-one answering "Yes" or "No" to a very simple question is probably not long enough (that's sincere, not sarcastic – I know the old IRC etiquette).
Repeat the operation during few weeks, you'll see why I said having 20 channels is not appropriate anymore.
3 channels would be enough:
_ one for bugs/notifications/commits
_ one for the support
_ one for anything else (things not necessary related to FreeBSD)

Is it reasonable to think that will bring some activity? not sure but it worth the try, at least to me, I don't know what others think about it.

But all that is not the IRC I knew at the beginning of the 1990s.
Facebook, X(twitter), Bluesky, Threads, Reddit, Lemmy, Mastodon, Discord, Matrix, forums and whatnot.
This is where people are nowadays, a giant mess where everyone try to reach each other.
At that times there was Mail, USENET and IRC if one wanted to meet someone "in person".

Even today to me Mail is good enough for a lot of things.
When interactivity is needed I still think forums are convenient for that task, but this idea may not be that popular today, it feels like modern alternatives really put us aside.
If I had to choose one it would be Lemmy, it's far from perfect but others aren't my thing, I am getting old I guess :)
… I would like to see USENET revived. …

A few months ago, Liam Proven wrote "USENET, the original social network, is under new management" – USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenixAlive and still quite vigorous considering its age

… WWW gateway …

… Google Groups support ended a few months later.

… a giant mess where everyone try to reach each other. …

Not entirely messy. People are naturally happy enough in bubbles without bridging.
Another nice GUI IRC client is srain. Hexchat is discontinued.

It has been discontinued, but the IRC protocol also saw its last update in 2014.
If any issue with it arises I am sure someone will maintain a fork.

Thunderbird is also a surprisingly capable irc client.
And to get access quickly you can visit

Anyway I can vouch for the users of #freebsd. I got some good advice/help just a couple days ago.
I use IRC daily at work and at home (irssi and Libera chans).
It's a simple yet powerful tool.
You can keep logs and crawl them easily.

If you have a permanent running machine (server, Pi etc.), you can put an IRC client in a tmux session to keep logging messages.
I am not a big fan of network bouncers.
I am using IRSSI, some scripts but I never use any Theme. I tried BitchX theme but it doesn't work. Are any good and useful, please?