Other ipf vs pf NAT

I have encountered and interesting discrepancy in the behavior of ipf vs pf, and I would like to find a way to make pf work like ipf in this specific circumstance if that is possible.

A client has a SIP gateway that communicates with a server through a FreeBSD router/firewall device, and the communication is NAT'ed by the FreeBSD device. This gateway seems to not know about NAT, and the client is not using STUN.

There are two versions of the FreeBSD device. One uses ipf as the firewall, and the other uses pf as the firewall. The kernel is a modified FreeBSD 8.4 kernel, which is descended from a m0n0wall version. The ipf firewall contains m0n0wall enhancements; the pf firewall does not...which actually gives me an idea that I will investigate, but that is for later.

The ipf version of the FreeBSD device has a rule in it like this (written in PHP):
$portmaprule = "map $if $src $dst -> {$tgt} portmap tcp/udp $rangelow:$rangehigh\n";

The pf version has the corresponding rule:
$portmaprule = "nat on $if proto {tcp,udp} from $src to $dst -> ({$tgt}) port $rangelow:$rangehigh\n";

In both devices the rangelow and rangehigh variables are set to 1024 and 64535 respectively.

When the device that uses ipf is in place, the client's SIP gateway is able to make a connection with the server and phone calls pass. When the device that uses pf is in place, the gateway is unable to obtain a BIND with the server, and traffic does not pass.

Pulling pcaps of the traffic reveals that when pf NAT's the outgoing traffic, it establishes a random high port for the NAT'ed traffic, which is the behavior you would expect. When ipf NAT's the outgoing traffic, it preserves the port provided to it by the incoming traffic from the SIP gateway and after NAT posts that port as the reply port for the server traffic. This is why the device using ipf allows the connection while the device using pf doesn't allow the connection; the server is responding to the port given by the SIP gateway and that port is valid with ipf and invalid with pf.

I am actually inclined to label this a bug in ipf. Either that, or ipf is smart enough to recognize SIP and deliberately do this in order to simplify the problems associated with SIP and NAT (which is an idea that I must investigate, looking at the m0n0wall enhancements).

In any event, is there a way to make pf behave this way? It would be quite convenient if it could be done, but would require specifying that the reply port must be preserved across NAT.
static-port may do what you need it to do:

nat on $if proto {tcp,udp} from $src to $dst -> ({$tgt}) static-port

Note though that you can't specify the port range then (or rather, I think you'll just want to match on that port range and get the desired effect).

I also have no idea if that was already present in 8.4.
So you're using FreeBSD 8.4? And you think you're safe? That version has been EOL for years already, and isn't supported anymore. I strongly suggest you upgrade to a recent version, that might also solve your "problem" because many things have changed over the years where functionality is concerned.
static-port may do what you need it to do:

nat on $if proto {tcp,udp} from $src to $dst -> ({$tgt}) static-port

Note though that you can't specify the port range then (or rather, I think you'll just want to match on that port range and get the desired effect).

I also have no idea if that was already present in 8.4.

I just checked, and it is present in 8.4. According to the documentation, it should do exactly what is needed. Thanks.

Please heed the advice above and upgrade. Especially as you're running a host that appears to be exposed to the open Internet.

As good as FreeBSD may have been then, there have been literally dozens of security patches in the over three years since it went out of support, and, given that you haven't updated, in the over 5 years since it was released. While it may not bother you, it's akin to driving drunk; even if you don't mind losing it and all your data and all the data behind it, your outdated system may become the jumping-off point for other attacks or part of a control network for unsavory actors of all sorts.

Go back through https://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories.html to mid-2013 to see how vulnerable your unpatched system likely is.