jails iocage jails list problem. dependency delete root on other jail.

Hi guys... so I have a testing machine with multiple jails configured (iocage).

This morning I deleted 2 or 3 jails because I don't need them anymore... iocage destroy <jailname> did the job perfectly... One of the jails said that has dependent jails...

 iocage destroy nw

This will destroy jail nw

Are you sure? [y/N]: y

nw has dependent jails (who may also have dependents), use --recursive to destroy:

root@nfs:/home/cristi # iocage destroy nw --recursive

This will destroy jail nw

Are you sure? [y/N]: y
Destroying nw

now when I run iocage list, I got the following error:

 File "libzfs.pyx", line 1388, in libzfs.ZFS.get_dataset

libzfs.ZFSException: Dataset zroot/iocage/jails/dev2-php80/root not found

excepting this has deleted all content in dataset /zroot/iocage/jails/dev2-php80/root .

How this could be possible?

Is there a way to recover it? I guess not... but I'm asking...

how can I make the iocage work again?