Okay, I'm probably preaching to the converted here, but I wanted to let you know that I created a VMware appliance with a desktop oriented FreeBSD 7.1 RELEASE.
The main difference to, say, PC-BSD or DesktopBSD is that this one is based on XFCE 4 and, thanks to wbar, it looks a bit like Mac OS X -- love it or hate it, it plays and looks good! :e
As I said, this is a desktop oriented offering, so a few of the "usual suspects" are the latest versions of Firefox 3, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org 3, VLC, Pidgin, Skype, Xchat, Gimp, Transmission, etc.
In case you'd like to give it a try (and have at least VMware Player available) you can donwload the torrent from here: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2209696
Be patient though, there aren't that many seeders at the moment!
The main difference to, say, PC-BSD or DesktopBSD is that this one is based on XFCE 4 and, thanks to wbar, it looks a bit like Mac OS X -- love it or hate it, it plays and looks good! :e
As I said, this is a desktop oriented offering, so a few of the "usual suspects" are the latest versions of Firefox 3, Thunderbird, OpenOffice.org 3, VLC, Pidgin, Skype, Xchat, Gimp, Transmission, etc.
In case you'd like to give it a try (and have at least VMware Player available) you can donwload the torrent from here: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2209696
Be patient though, there aren't that many seeders at the moment!