Solved Intel HD 4000 has odd tiny glitches, but only on an external screen when using Firefox

I had an Intel i5-2450M Sandy Bridge CPU with Intel HD 3000 graphics and faced tearing and artifacts on FreeBSD. Despite searching forums for a solution, I couldn't find one. So, I opted to upgrade my laptop's CPU to an Ivy Bridge CPU, an i5-3230M with Intel HD 4000 graphics. The artifacts disappeared, but occasionally, especially when scrolling in Firefox, I notice tiny black squares or dots.

I'm using the following packages:

doas pkg install drm-kmod libva-intel-driver mesa-libs mesa-dri

Xorg defaults to "glamor" AccelMethod. When I switch to "uxa" or "sna," the artifacts vanish, but the performance isn't as smooth as with "glamor."

I wanted to see if this problem was only with FreeBSD, so I tried Debian. But the same issue happened on Linux too. The weird things only appear on my external U2414H screen when connected with HDMI. The same issue regardless of the desktop environment or compositor used.

I don't think the HDMI cable is the issue, and here's why: When I install the "drm-510-kmod" on FreeBSD, the artifacts disappear completely. It doesn't matter if I'm using "glamor," "uxa," or "sna", no more artifacts.

The drm-kmod (5.15) in FreeBSD 14.0 is version 20201103, slightly newer than 5.10 (drm-510-kmod) which is 20200917. Something has been added to 5.15 which causes these issues. I'm not sure where to find the changelog.

$ xrandr
HDMI-1 connected primary 1600x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 527mm x 296mm
   1920x1080     60.00 +  50.00    59.94
   1920x1080i    60.00    50.00    59.94
   1600x1200     60.00
   1600x900      60.00*

1600x900 works without artifacts, but 1920x1080 doesn't.

I might stick with the drm-510-kmod driver because, honestly, it just seems to work better. However, I'm uncertain if it will be a lasting solution if it's removed from FreeBSD in the near future.

I'm wondering if any of you have ever had a similar problem, or if you can give me some tips on how to find the differences. Should I check the /var/log/Xorg files for both drivers to see what's different?
where to find the changelog.

In the #history section of the FreshPorts page for graphics/drm-515-kmod.

In greater detail, the 5.15-lts branch in the repo (pictured).



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Thank you. I fixed the problem by setting to true in Firefox about:config. I don't see any more artifacts. I thought they showed up in other programs too, but the issue was only in Firefox.