installing java from ports

If I edit the distinfo file in the /usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jre directory as root to have the correct md5 and sha sums and file size can I add a more recent version of jre to distfile and install it from ports?
Please use the right forum. Ports questions belong in Ports & Packages > Installation and Maintenance of FreeBSD Ports or Packages, not in Base System > Installing & Upgrading (obviously).
topher said:
If I edit the distinfo file in the /usr/ports/java/linux-sun-jre directory as root to have the correct md5 and sha sums and file size can I add a more recent version of jre to distfile and install it from ports?

The /usr/ports/linux-sun-jdk16 directory has a more up to date version of jre included with jdk.