Installing FreeBSD on Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 - Loss of Keyboard Functionality During Boot

I have pulled an SSD out of a working Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 and replaced it with a fresh one. I am attempting to install BSD. However, when I do the install, I lose on-box keyboard functionality. I can still provide keyboard input through an external USB keyboard.

Have you installed BSD on a Microsoft Surface Laptop 4? How did you get past this problem?

Attempted a GhostBSD install, and it also failed similarly.
I was able to get Kali Everything Live to work on the machine on first boot. The hunt begins.
DragonflyBSD failed to boot at all.
Back to FreeBSD. We can see a kbd0 and a kbd1 in dmesg. There is also a kbdmux mentioned.
There were so many proprietary driver problems with the wifi, keyboard, and trackpad that kicked in when any kind of installer was run that I gave up. This equipment was probably a huge rip-off for the first owner. Purchasing this level of vendor lock-in is just a waste. Once again, we can't recommend Windows products for much else than pentesting targets.

Thanks for your time.