Solved Install FreeBSD 10.3 on HP t5540

Hi. I have think client hp t5540 (ide hdd 2.5 44pin drive) and install FreeBSD 10.3 i386 on this device. But after install FreeBSD run to boot menu and stop on speaking:

What is? Why yet? Please help me. Hdd drive is works fine and install process seccesfull end.
Looks like the disk itself is not working properly. There are probably a bunch of bad sectors on it.
But I connect this hdd in 2.5 usb case and boot FreeBSD successful. This works fine but small speed 40Mbit if connect this hdd to ide port (44 pin) - speed is 100Mbit ....
Look meatman, what are you doing using IDE, it's frickin 2016.