ifconfig ... adhoc

I wonder why

$ doas ifconfig wlan0 destroy
$ doas ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev iwm0 wlanmode adhoc
ifconfig: SIOCIFCREATE2 (wlan0): Operation not supported

gives me operation not supported. Isn't adhoc supposed to be supported?

What I want, is to directly connect my Thinkpad x250 and another device via wifi and no other hardware involved.

 wlanmode    mode
           Specify the operating mode for this cloned device.  mode    is one
           of  sta,     ahdemo     (or  adhoc-demo),  ibss  (or  adhoc),    ap (or
           hostap),    wds, tdma, mesh, and monitor.  The operating mode of a
           cloned interface    cannot be changed.  The    tdma mode is  actually
           implemented as an adhoc-demo interface with special properties.

Not sure if this means adhoc is an alternative to ibss

Maybe this will help:-
