i3wm Windows Manager

Hello guys,

As you know, I'm new to FreeBSD.

I installed i3wm via ports.

Yet when I go to start it, it says:
i3: Cannot open display

The only reference I've found is: i3wm how to configure for xterm

I'm not sure where to even start.
Any thoughts on what to check?

Much appreciated!

PS: Sorry for the formatting... I'm not sure how to format the cli output with the grey box behind it.
place the following in .xinitrc of the home directory of the user

exec /usr/local/bin/i3

then from the console prompt start X using the command
% startx

This is assuming Xorg is installed correctly.
Hello guys,
Thank you very much for the help!

When I opened this thread, it was because I was trying it out in a 9.0 installation I have, to which I installed Gnome2 (and thus, Xorg? or X11?)

Because I'm still learning all this, I wanted to make sure I understand the "why" behind things.
So I created a new 9.0 machine.

Installed xorg in that one, and i3wm.

I will update this thread ASAP with the error I'm now encountering.

((in other words: This thread was created for Installation-A, yet I would like to figure i3 out for Installation-B))

I tried the startx command, and it gave me an error (will post soon).
I haven't touched the .xinitrc file yet.

Will try your suggestion as soon as I get home, and report back on the results.

On this new installation, I didn't run startx before installing i3wm.
So I'm not sure if the default wm works.

I will try that again.

Thanks everyone, I will update later today ASAP!