I3 windows manager problem

Hi to all,

Hope there is somebody who is able to help me. I tried the new I3 windows manager on my laptop but have some troubles about configuration which I was not able to handle with project documentation.

First of all I do not know how to make the wm create windows or containers in predefined places with predefined sizes automatically after the wm starts.

Second thing is, beside of Firefox and xterm there is no other application to be started by the exec command in the configuration file which looks approximately like this:

assign firefox3 1
assign xterm 2
assign mc 2
assign mutt 3 
assign counterim 3

exec firefox3
exec xterm
exec mc
exec mutt
exec counterim

Like I said, Firefox and xterm work just fine, but the other applications won't start. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
Yeah, thanks for the reply. I have managed this to work already. Now I'm trying to open xterm with mutt and centerim in different workspaces.