I'm still returning to FreeBSD desktop from 2 years of Linux, I hit another issue I never had before.
As far I can remember, to provide rights to shutdown the system I need to write CK rules, however xfce shows I can reboot, shutdown, hibernate and suspend and not only shows, but actually to it.
How I can remove some of rights and how I got them?
If I remove ck-launch, I'm lossing all rights except log off, so this is consolekit.
As far I can remember, to provide rights to shutdown the system I need to write CK rules, however xfce shows I can reboot, shutdown, hibernate and suspend and not only shows, but actually to it.
How I can remove some of rights and how I got them?
abishai@testbsd:~ % groups abishai
abishai@testbsd:~ % doas ls -la /usr/local/etc/polkit-1/rules.d
total 11
drwx------ 2 polkitd wheel 3 Aug 21 13:41 .
drwx------ 4 root wheel 4 Aug 21 13:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 326 Aug 21 13:41 50-default.rules
abishai@testbsd:~ % cat ~/.xinitrc
#xset +fp /usr/local/share/fonts/terminus-font/
#xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
xset b off
exec startxfce4 --with-ck-launch