I broke my Apache somehow... rewrites aren't working.

Hi Guys

I had the rewrites working previously, and started to harden my installation by unloading a bunch of mods and blocking the server info in httpd.conf, but at some point the rewriting stopped working.

I rolled back all the changes to the httpd.conf and commented out everything but the previously working rewrite rules in the .htaccess, but it still isn't rewriting.

I had asked somewhere else and was advised to clean the Apache cache, but of course I can not figure out how to do that :(

Is there any way to troubleshoot the rewriting function in Apache?

Thanks in advance

nb. Apache 1.3 runing in a jail on FreeBSD 8.1
Have you modified a directive with
AllowOverride ...

This directive controls also what you can do in .htaccess

There are 2 possibilities here:

1/ your rewrite rules used to be in your vhost configuration and you moved them to the .htaccess

2/ you did indeed edit the AllowOverride directive and do not remember for sure

You have 2 options:

1/ Move your rewrite rules from the .htaccess to your vhost configuration


2/ Set AllowOverride to FileInfo and you *will* be able to rewrite.

From mod_rewrite's help page:

The directives there say: Override: FileInfo