How to restart a make with config arguments displayed?

The Handbook suggests that the Makefile configuration arguments, etc., can be displayed simply (for example) as follows:

29.8.3. Apache Modules
Type make config within /usr/ports/www/apache24 to see which modules are available and which are enabled by default.
. . .not just for the Apache system, but I'm finding that for almost every application make, once run, then a rerun of the make config command returns something like:
 # make config
===> Options unchanged
I seem to recall once reading of a method to restore this functionality, but now I cannot find a solution. Even after deleting a port, it seems that a legacy of the make options is still lurking around.
The immediate Options unchanged might mean the options files in /var/db/ports are read-only. These are not really Makefile options, but port options.
Also make sure ports-mgmt/dialog4ports is installed. Or you will not get an option screen at all.

Excellent! I was not aware of the nuance. Installed the port and results of the /usr/ports/lang/php56 # make config as follows:



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