how to prevent ports from installing x11?

I ran [cmd=]make install[/cmd] on phpadmin and it looks like it is installing all of x11. I really don't want x11 and am kind of ticked that this cascade of x11 crap is non stop installing itself on my computer, for a port that shouldn't require it.

How can I prevent a port from contaminating my server with x11? I don't want any part of x11.
If the port explicitly checks for and respects WITHOUT_X11, that's the best solution. But there's no guarantee that every port does this.

Prezadent, which port were you installing that you think shouldn't require X11? If we knew which one you're talking about, we could look at its Makefile (and also its dependencies) to see why it is pulling in the stuff you don't want.
Thanks for the info on WITHOUT_X11.

ckester said:
If the port explicitly checks for and respects WITHOUT_X11, that's the best solution. But there's no guarantee that every port does this.

Prezadent, which port were you installing that you think shouldn't require X11? If we knew which one you're talking about, we could look at its Makefile (and also its dependencies) to see why it is pulling in the stuff you don't want.

It was phpmyadmin. Very simple to install on WAMP. But here it ended up auto dl'ing and installing a lot of stuff for a long time and I already had Apache, PHP and MySQL working.

SirDice said:
GD can be built without X11. Not sure about the other one.

As the options dialog states, pecl-pdflib implies php5-gd.

Yes, you could probably disable X11 at the level of php5-gd instead of phpmyadmin. But after taking an admittedly quick look at the Makefiles, I couldn't see any way to do it that was as easy as setting the phpmyadmin options.
I like my server to be free of any X11 stuff :e

dice@williscorto:/usr/ports/graphics/php5-gd>make -DWITHOUT_X11 all-depends-list

The port respects WITHOUT_X11 nicely.
Thanks, SirDice, for confirming that WITHOUT_X11 will work in this particular case.

As I said above, that wasn't immediately obvious to me.
I get the message

Clearing /tmp (X related)

on bootup. Why? I'm almost sure X isn't on my machine.
It's a default in /etc/defaults/rc.conf

clear_tmp_X="YES" 	# Clear and recreate X11-related directories in /tmp

Set it to NO in /etc/rc.conf is you lose sleep over it.
So X can't modify this file upon installation?

Also, are there any links to show usage stats of FreeBSD on desktop vs. server
X isn't going to be modifying anything if it's not even installed.

A fair point can be made that a script which cleans up for X should come from the xorg ports and be in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. I like that idea, it helps clean up the base and the port. But there might be a good reason clear_tmp_X is still in the base, like timing. Please post on the freebsd-x11 mailing list, or I can. But I'm probably less motivated than you.