How to mount freeBSD ufs ?

I want mount freeBSD /dev/sda6/ ufs from Linux.

sudo mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=sunx86 /dev/sda6 /mnt/solaris

give me errors :
mount: /mnt/solaris: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

device information as below (dual efi boot)
sudo fdisk /dev/sda -l

Still... why ask Linux questions in a FreeBSD forum? This is probably best redirected to the forum for whatever distribution you're using, because there tends to be quite some difference between those.
OTOH, I wouldn't expect too much knowledge concerning UFS on your typical Linux forum...

But it's definitely in the wrong category here :)
What i don't understand: why does he want to mount the whole partition? As in: mounting the Root-Folder of his FreeBSD-System.
And if it's a Multi-boot-Environment, why does he has 2 EFI-Partitions?
What i don't understand: why does he want to mount the whole partition? As in: mounting the Root-Folder of his FreeBSD-System.
And if it's a Multi-boot-Environment, why does he has 2 EFI-Partitions?
Probably because you can't mount something smaller than a whole partition. Certainly, the root directories (like /etc and /bin and /usr/lib) will be pretty useless on Linux, but they don't hurt, other than perhaps causing confusion.