Solved How to mount a local directory (elsewhere) in FreeBSD?

I'm using FreeBSD 10.1... more specific, hand-crafted to a jail. Among many attempts, guesting difference commands, all I tried fail. Something like these for testing:
mount -t ufs /dev/ada0s1f /usr/ports /mnt/usr/ports
mount /dev/ada0s1f /usr/ports /mnt/ports
mount /dev/ada0s1f /usr/ports /mnt/
There is not much I could find after an extensive search of the Internet other than this link, hints:
mount_nullfs -o /dev/ada0s1f /usr/ports /mnt/

It been a very long night of searching for the seemly impossible... It works...

Thank you ondra_knezour
This does not do what you think it does. This won't mount /dev/ada0s1f at all (the option is just ignored). You would have to mount /dev/ada0s1f first to /usr/ports using mount /dev/ada0s1f /usr/port and then mount_nullfs /usr/ports /mnt.
This does not do what you think it does. This won't mount /dev/ada0s1f at all (the option is just ignored). You would have to mount /dev/ada0s1f first to /usr/ports using mount /dev/ada0s1f /usr/port and then mount_nullfs /usr/ports /mnt.
Thanks tobik, but it did not work for me no matter what. I will be playing with it for a while to see why not. I’m not saying this is the case but this could be virtual under your system and not even know it. I had an virtual experience yesterday that no one would believe and I will post it here if anyone care to to hear the story. Also, my Dell Windows machine was hacked down to the last partition (all 8). I saw stuff just in time; and they say back in the day *you can't cross partition*. And to talk about virtual! I could have fix it if I had the time, but I got back-up drives :) Since I realize XP was hanging, so the hack had to be visualizing my entire disk... I got stranges ways to check lots of stuff. Well, that's the story and I could not wait to tell it. Anyway, this did not work, now I want to talk env:
mount /dev/ada0s1f /usr/port
mount: /dev/ ada0s1f: Device busy
ondra_knezour inclusion below actually got the command to work. Just like for my try of your sequence it’s was done on a 100% clean-install (from backup) of FreeBSD 10.1 with GNOME2 desktop … I keep backups of every major port installation so I can go back BEFORE it when I or the system itself won’t cooperate with my testing. I do this every time there is one failure too many. It won't be long before I never have to touch it again. I would hope that others would test both to let us know.

This really works! It takes over 15 seconds to transfer on the first try. I will be watching to make sure this is not the virtual outcome of a nullfs. There is no problem as long as it save the work to disk and show up after a complete shutdown and reboot. I'll start using it tonight.
mount_nullfs -o /dev/ada0s1f /usr/ports /mnt/
I wonder if I can create a few extra nullfs(5) just to be safe until I learn more about it. Sometimes I think the kernel got life-like personallity. Crazy!