Coming from the Linux Gentoo world, I want to easily have an overview over all options and easily be able to configure them (in other words, something like 'ufed' with gentoo's portage).
Is there anything like that in the FreeBSD world?
I tried ports-mgmt/lsknobs and ports-mgmt/portconf without much success. To understand the syntax and manually edit make.conf for each port seems crazy... Not so many example on the net either....
Best regards
Coming from the Linux Gentoo world, I want to easily have an overview over all options and easily be able to configure them (in other words, something like 'ufed' with gentoo's portage).
Is there anything like that in the FreeBSD world?
I tried ports-mgmt/lsknobs and ports-mgmt/portconf without much success. To understand the syntax and manually edit make.conf for each port seems crazy... Not so many example on the net either....
Best regards