How to install X.Org on 9.0-RC1?

SirDice said:
(the packages-9-current directory doesn't exist).

Why? If I supposed to test FreeBSD 9.0 RC1 then package installation clearly doesn't work. It's not at all user-friendly requiring people who'd like to test new FreeBSD start with searching for help.
It's a release candidate. You're supposed to know what you're doing.
YZMSQ said:
Once it's changed to packages-9-stable, you don't need to do that again utterly till 10 arrives.

If you need to change the URL to packages-9-stable when testing RC anyway, and there is no such thing as packages-9-current, why not to ship RC with the correct setup already?
techtonik said:
If you need to change the URL to packages-9-stable when testing RC anyway, and there is no such thing as packages-9-current, why not to ship RC with the correct setup already?
Hi, when I upgrade my box from 8.2 to 9.0 RC1, there's only packages-9-current on each mirror, and packages-9-stable hasn't been born till these days recently. Say, it changes after it's "released"(maybe not so proper to take this word) to the public.:)
YZMSQ said:
Hi, when I upgrade my box from 8.2 to 9.0 RC1, there's only packages-9-current on each mirror, and packages-9-stable hasn't been born till these days recently. Say, it changes after it's "released"(maybe not so proper to take this word) to the public.:)

That explains it a bit, but still not sufficient to disqualify request to "have all ISO downloads shipped properly configured for package installation" as a valid feature request. The stuff that requires you to know what you're doing is the reason for all human errors. )

Back to the topic. I still can't install X.Org. Lame question, but it's really weird - how to set this PACKAGESITE variable? I do:
host# env | grep PAG
host# set PACKAGESITE=whatever
host# env | grep PACK
C Shell (csh,tcsh):
Bourne Shell (sh,bash):
Cinolt said:
C Shell (csh,tcsh):

Thanks. That explains it. I guess `csh` is default root shell in FreeBSD.