How to install FreeBSD 11 amd64?

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how to open internet in it?

Open internet? Did you install to the point where you have a command line? If so, networking should be working. Type ifconfig and you will get some information. Also, to see if you're connected you can type ping

Is your network card plugged in?
yes it is ethernet and how to get desktop ?

First install Xorg, then install a desktop environment. Just like it says. :) I guess the handbook is overwhelming.

First (as root) type pkg install xorg
Second (as root) type pkg install xfce
Third, type startxfce4

That is the extremely short version. I also have no idea of what desktop you want. There are lots of choices, but Xfce is nice and simple. There is much more you can do, but the above will get you started.
Following through your requests on this forum, it is highly suggestive that you have a number of issues you need to understand before you successfully run FreeBSD. I shall list some of the points below:
1. You need to understand the Unix culture in general. This point will help you see why FreeBSD is set up a certain way that it is.

2. The reading culture. Unix in general does not have a culture of "download, double click and run", so if you have a Windows background you may need to take some time reading material that will assist you come to speed. In fact a number of people have already suggested you take a look at the handbook. This will assist you in understanding what you need and where your problem points are.

3. Realize that the people answering your questions are volunteers and it is very helpful to have properly developed questions before you post. In fact, it is helpful to browse through the forum for similar questions before you post. This is helpful on the sort of response you are likely to get. Well, the concept of garbage in garbage out is so binding here.

To answer the latest question you posted, read the handbook on using pkg . It answers precisely that question.

Hey, take your time and do it the right way. No one on this forum will walk you through an installation, but plenty will help you when you are stuck.
RITESHKAKKAR Please understand there are lots of people willing to help but none of us can look at your screen and see what you are doing (or what you are trying to do). We're good but we're not clairvoyant.

Show us exactly what you're doing, step by step, and the issues you're running in to.
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