jails How to install a pkg offline into a jail?

I'm trying to install a downloaded package (bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg, and its dependency) into a jail.

In the host, all I did as "pkg add bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg" and it worked.

However, to try to get in into a jail, I've tried:
pkg -j jailname add bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg
pkg -j jailname install bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg
pkg -c /path-to-jail-root add bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg
pkg -r /path-to-jail-root add bhyve-firmware-1.0_2.pkg
...and none of them worked.

The "add" command seems to be broken. It'll never refer to the given file and always reports it cannot be found.

The "install" will try to go online (btw, my machine is offline) or otherwise go to an attached repository (if REPOS_DIR is set to the mounted DVD).

What can I do to install the packages into the desired jails?