how to config PF as router and source based routing

i have 4 wan links and i want to use PF as router.
i want to config source based routing using Port number and protocol

example policy

- Port 80, 20, 21, 443 routed by interface1
- Port 1-1023 routed by interface2
- Port 1024-65535 routed by interface3

how do i config this policy but i don't use NAT. i want to use PF replace the old router (static routing).

route-to , dup-to , reply-to
can do my policy ?

if1 = "em1"
if2 = "em2"
if3 = "em3"
if4 = "em4"
ext_gw1 = ""
ext_gw2 = ""
ext_gw3 = ""
ext_gw4 = ""

pass out on $if1 route-to $ext_gw1 port {80 21 22 443} from any
pass out on $if2 route-to $ext_gw2 port {1 >< 1024} from any
pass out on $if3 route-to $ext_gw3 port {1025 >= } from any

for this code , i can't achieve my policy
please help me to solve my problem

many many thanks
(i apologize that my english is not too good)