How do I set chmod 777?


Can someone please give me the syntax of the command to set the chmod permission of the directory called "example"'s to 777?

Thanks a lot, greatly appreciated!

Why, yes. It is chmod 777 example. Assuming you're in the directory, where example lives in.

More complete demonstration:
[starlight] /tmp > mkdir example
[starlight] /tmp > ls -ld example
drwxr-xr-x  2 oxyd  wheel  512 Jul 14 17:15 example  % Notice that permissions are 755 initially.
[starlight] /tmp > chmod 777 example
[starlight] /tmp > ls -ld example   
drwxrwxrwx  2 oxyd  wheel  512 Jul 14 17:15 example  % And now it's 777, as desired.
[starlight] /tmp >

Does this answer your question? Are you having some problems setting the permissions of a directory?
Most of the time, 777 is a mistake, a "I'll just set this wide open until I get stuff working" which tends to be forgotten and only remembered after a serious security problem. Oxyd's example above goes in /tmp, which is safe because stuff in there is nearly wide open already.