Help with apache22 error

Good night! How can I solve this problem?

tnnuyt# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 restart
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
httpd: Syntax error on line 106 of /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/local/libexec/apache22/ into server: Cannot open "/usr/local/libexec/apache22/"
ericmacmini said:
cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
make config

And check in the options that Apache Module is selected.

I did it select the Apache

     │ │ [X] CLI        Build CLI version                               │ │
     │ │ [X] CGI        Build CGI version                               │ │
     │ │ [ ] FPM        Build FPM version                               │ │
     │ │ [X] APACHE     Build Apache module                             │ │
     │ │ [ ] AP2FILTER  Use Apache 2.x filter interface (experimental)  │ │
     │ │ [ ] EMBED      Build embedded library                          │ │
     │ │ [ ] DEBUG      Enable debug                                    │ │
     │ │ [ ] DTRACE     Enable DTrace support                           │ │
     │ │ [X] IPV6       Enable ipv6 support                             │ │
     │ │ [ ] MAILHEAD   Enable mail header patch                        │ │
     │ │ [X] LINKTHR    Link thread lib (for threaded extensions)       │ │
Reinstall lang/php5 as following:

# cd /usr/ports/lang/php5 && make deinstall clean reinstall clean

Check you have enabled and isn't duplicated this line in httpd.conf
LoadModule php5_module        libexec/apache22/
cpu82 said:
Reinstall lang/php5 as following:

# cd /usr/ports/lang/php5 && make deinstall clean reinstall clean

Check you have enabled and isn't duplicated this line in httpd.conf
LoadModule php5_module        libexec/apache22/

rather not have 2 times the same line, already tried to do it again and always the same error:(
Check is located in /usr/libexec/apache22/

# ls /usr/libexec/apache22/

Optionally, you can add to /etc/make.conf. Read /usr/ports/Mk/ for details.
APACHE_PORT= www/apache22

Reinstall again www/apache22.
Hello good night! Already installed FreeBSD 8.2 from new, mysql, apache22, lang/php5, lang/php5-extentions ... and continue with the same error ...

#new-host-2# ls: /usr/libexec/apache22/ No such file or directory
ls:: Too many arguments.
Not there -----> libexec/apache22/
Please, show your /etc/make.conf

Use find(1) in the work directory of /usr/ports/lang/php5 to check if library exist.
# cd /usr/ports/lang/php5
# make
# find . -name
not there ---> /etc/make.conf
I found here -> /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf


  • make.conf.txt
    10.6 KB · Views: 178
Tnnuyt said:
hello good night! already installed FreeBSD 8.2 from new, mysql, www/apache22, lang/php5, lang/php5-extensions ... and continue with the same error ...

Upgrade to FreeBSD 8.3, 8.2 is EoL (End-of-Life) since 31 July 2012. Read more about FreeBSD security.

Tnnuyt said:
not there ---> /etc/make.conf
I found here -> /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf

Note that make.conf(5) stores system-wide build settings that apply each time you run make(1). Used as reference /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf, but your working copy should be placed in /etc. Copy example:

# cp /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf /etc
The library will not exist until the port is installed.

Tnnuyt, you may be having punctuation problems. Look at post #8. That did not work because there was an extra colon character after ls.

I don't think you need /etc/make.conf, more likely you have just not properly built the PHP port.
That is very old and may be outdated. It also says to use
when building MySQL. Don't do that. Or rather, don't do that unless you can explain why it can be a problem.
wblock@ said:
That is very old and may be outdated. It also says to use
when build MySQL. Don't do that. Or rather, don't do that unless you can explain why it can be a problem.

I have not used this tutorial to install mysql

I tried to use this tutorial
[CMD="Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server."][/CMD]
but I have another error Forbidden


You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Tnnuyt said:
but I have another error Forbidden


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Check out pkg-message.mod, it appears when successfully install lang/php5:

# cat /usr/ports/lang/php5/pkg-message.mod

You need add these lines to your httpd.conf
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps


Please, show your /var/log/httpd-error.log. For long outputs uses some service like and post here the URL.
To solve 'PHP Warning: phpinfo(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings', add the date.timezone directive in your php.ini as following e.g.:
date.timezone = America/Vancouver
Or, you can also do it this way

You can set it to other timezone. See List of Supported Timezones.

To don't see the warning '[warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]', make sure that your /usr/local/etc/apache22/extra/httpd-ssl.conf gets loaded before your virtual host configuration file and contains a line that looks like:
SSLSessionCache        shmcb:/some/example/path/ssl_scache(512000)

Verify the OPENSSL is enabled in lang/php5-extensions using steps below:

# cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions && make config && make deinstall clean reinstall clean

Edit your /etc/hosts, and add your hostname:
Code:		localhost [B][/B]

hostname(1) must be the same you putting in /etc/rc.conf:

After taking a look at your configuration file, edit your httpd.conf:154 and do this change (uncomment & add):

Then you should restart apache:

# /usr/local/sbin/apachectl restart

PS second link shows 'Unknown Paste ID!', again copy the contents of your httpd.conf
I can not resolve this error! already searched in google, already did 20 times more d installation etc etc, do not know what I'm doing wrong, but it's always wrong, and I do not read my php, already put the time in php.ini :( !! know some tutorial?
Tnnuyt said:
I can not resolve this error! already searched in google, already did 20 times more d installation etc etc, do not know what I'm doing wrong, but it's always wrong, and I do not read my php, already put the time in php.ini :( !! know some tutorial?

Don't need to use XAMPP, when every part is fully supported via ports. Follow one of the many HOWTO guides for setting up Apache/PHP/MySQL for FreeBSD.


[1] FreeBSD Handbook Chapter 30 Network Servers.
[2] Installing Apache Web Server on FreeBSD.
[3] How to Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin on FreeBSD.
[4] How to build a FreeBSD server.
Tnnuyt said:
good night! Thank you for help .... I solved my problem with this tutorial

I can use a DNS created by me in freebsd "tnnuyt.lp" or must use the no-ip?

Install a DDNS client if the server will use a dynamic IP address and DDNS service, dns/noip DDNS client.
# cd /usr/ports/dns/noip
# make install clean

Follow instructions to create /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf and enable DDNS client by editing /etc/rc.conf

PS: I edited comment#20, please review it.