have dma send mail to maildrop

For a long time, I had postfix as my mailer, at one point running a small email server, but often just sending mail. In a recent install, I left my mailer at the default of dma. This is a minor issue, but I can't find anything that tells me how to do it.
When I ran postfix, in my /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf I had the line
mailbox_command = /usr/local/bin/maildrop
This put all mail, including system emails, through maildrop and I had a .mailboxfilter file that sent it to a local mbox called IN-system.
Now, all system mail (I have root set as scottro in /etc/aliases) comes up in var/mail/scottro.

It's not a big deal, neomutt notifies me about it,so I see all the emails, but I am wondering if I can hand
off all mail to maildrop.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for answering, and a good question. But yes, the mailer.conf file points to dma by default, that is, I did nothing to configure it but that's what it reads.
I have digged in old backups and found an additional line in /etc/mail/mailer.conf. The file from the past has been as below. rmail handles uucp, therefore it is most probably not the issue, but it is to make the image complete.
sendmail        /usr/libexec/dma
mailq           /usr/libexec/dma
newaliases      /usr/libexec/dma
rmail           /usr/libexec/dma
At that time I have tried dma and I am quite sure that system mails have been handed over to the MDA. But the dma configuration has no entry for an MDA.

The configuration is /etc/dma/dma.conf.
SMARTHOST securesmtp.yyy.zz
PORT 587 
AUTHPATH /etc/dma/auth.conf
CERTFILE /etc/ssl/dma.pem
MAILNAME gps.local
MASQUERADE x.xxxxxxxxx@yyy.zz

# Directly forward the mail to the SMARTHOST bypassing aliases and local delivery
Can it be that you have NULLCLIENT activated?

But most likely I have not completely disabled the previous MTA by my mistake for the testing. It has been postfix at that time. Then system mails have been forwarded to the MDA by postfix but not by dma.
Yeah, that was my experience too. Formerly, I ran postfix and it handed it off to the MDA. I don't think I can specify maildrop as my SMARTHOST. I'm not using NULLCLIENT as far as I know--I did nothing to set it up.