I agree with your remarks Andriy including your caveats. However I think that such information* could make it (much) easier to find things like I219-LM not detected & re(4) versus net/realtek-re-kmod (see here) ; and keep in mind that there are probably more problems like those that we don't see on the forums.It's doable, of course, but it's not trivial and it won't tell the whole story.There no hope of being able to generate vendor/device IDs tables automatically from drivers? With that, being able to index those into other databases would make questions like this somewhat answerable.
The same chip may work fine in one piece of hardware but not so much in another.
There can a same chip ID but a different revision with its own quirks.
Also, you may not know chip IDs of a piece of hardware until you actually get your hands on it, you would only know its marketing name.
In any case, the idea of an "official" support list for a volunteer project seems rather bogus.
It's not like there is an "official" test / certification team, "official" support team, "official" support contract, etc.
The community effort and database of hardware that people actually use is the best we can get (for free).
If anyone needs better, then they should go to vendors or system integrators, etc.
Much of everything with FreeBSD has to do with wise management of limited resources. Writing (a lot) more drivers for new hardware is not feasible with current available resources. To make information available in a standard, searchable and extendable way about drivers that have allready been developed is feasible, I think.
What I can see as (mainly management and supervising) tasks are:
- db selection and db design suitable to hold the information
- inserting data and updating the db
Once there is a stable (db) structure that holds the information I'm sure that FreeBSD users will develop front ends if needed, be it text or GUI based.
* I have not looked at the source code but some kind of look-up-system must already be present in FreeBSD because during installation detected hardware is matched to a specific driver.