Trihexagonal One thing that is fun/easy to do with pf is default deny all, then macro with explicit pass protocols. I've done this in the past and even with Windows systems on a network, it's actually a pretty short list to have everything work.
When I used Win98 I would start ConsealPC Firewall with a blank ruleset. Then go to a site I visited regularly and allow a rule for that site on the fly to every site I visited and those rules only. I had a very tight ruleset and kept a close eye on it.
Now they keep a close eye on me and hope I don't come to chat. To say some words.
When I disappeared offline for a year or so I got a PM at able2know .org where I do
Alliteration Aggrandizement. I'm suspicious of such things and figured they were trying to draw me out but I had wanted to go back and tell the players something in the forum so that gave me the excuse. The account was new and the only thing done from it was send me that PM, which had the contents deleted.
That was like a Get Well card and they had been worried about me not being seen so long.. All we needed now was a Family Album of photos. I said I wanted to talk to someone who knew me, not the caliber of people they passed watching me on to in the next generation. Pitiful. they are.
Well, you summoned the Demon and he doesn't go away if ignored. I wanted to talk in a civil manner to the last person that spoke to me the last time I had to show up because they had broken our undeclared truce. I played games, am quick as a bot in chat, practiced my impressions, told tall stories to nice people, played Bait and Switch on pedophiles who posed as Priests and terrified would be tough guys to the point things changed on the site.
So I got their attention and caused Chaos on a system wide scale but I got tired of the people who went there, cybersex all they know to talk about, and when I spotted one of them made myself known by asking questions.
He said "Hmmm. jigoku, that's Japanese. For Hell...
It is as I feared..."
My job was over so I left without another word and haven't been back. But when they wouldn't talk to me I talked to them and whoever opened it got the message for the sender and the words they didn't want to hear in a more powerful form to teach them a lesson
But I miss my old m8tes and have them to thank for the person I am today, and they watched me become more than I had been or ever thought I would become as it happen the last 20 years.
IT people had a name for people who fixated on firewall logs and filed false alarms to the Abuse desk listed. I believe it was something like "Goomers with a firewall."
I've used telnet before but none of the other things I have listed as "No". I'm not certain it keeps them from being started but I run my box like I learned how and do a lot of things differently. Never touched fstab to use or edit it for one.
inetd is obsolete.
Gonna add it to src.conf WITHOUT_INETD
src.conf is currenlty:
Or used anything but the generic kernel. Never used buildworld or compiled a kernel.
FreeBSD is trhe most usr friendly desktop oriented OS I have ever taught myself to use.
You are no doubt much wiser than myself and wouldn't dare question you on FreeBSD facts, but I just saw something posted that included having inetd running.
I always use the same file System files saved to disk after a rebuild on all my machines. I read in Hacking Exposed 1st Edition about NFS being a Security risk before I ever left Win98 and one of the things that stuck with me from reading it.
root@bakemono:/ # rpcinfo -p
rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Success
root@bakemono:/ # showmount
RPC: Port mapper failure
showmount: can't do mountdump rpc
root@bakemono:/ #