gnash portupgrade fails due to configure error

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade the gnash port, gnash-0.8.9_4 to 0.8.10 but can't do this because:

./configure: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
./configure: 50052: Syntax error: Error in command substitution

What should I change in that configure script? BTW, I'm using amd64 FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0.

This is the line content:

  echo "          ERROR: `echo "No SSL development package is installed, but it's enabled."" | fold -s -w 62 | sed 's/^/                 /' | tr '\n' '#' | cut -b 18- | tr '#' '\n'`" >&$pkg_out_fd
I don't know how useful this is going be since I'm the only one using this package but I have the solution to my problem. Just replace the /usr/ports/graphics/gnash/files/patch-configure file with this attachment. You have to rename the file after downloading it!

A big THANKS to the developer(s) of this package!

DD, sorry you had to edit my posts and thanks!


  • patch-configure.patch
    1.4 KB · Views: 150