On a pristine FreeBSD installation, I just added the vim-lite package. Searching for the global vimrc configuration file, I found two.
Anyway, I'm looking for the system-wide configuration file for Vim so I can add a handful of options not only for the toor/root user, but also for all common users. Which one would that be? And how comes there are two seemingly unrelated configuration files for Vim in FreeBSD?
On a pristine FreeBSD installation, I just added the vim-lite package. Searching for the global vimrc configuration file, I found two.
- /usr/local/etc/vim/vimrc.sample
- /usr/local/share/vim/vim80/vimrc_example.vim
Anyway, I'm looking for the system-wide configuration file for Vim so I can add a handful of options not only for the toor/root user, but also for all common users. Which one would that be? And how comes there are two seemingly unrelated configuration files for Vim in FreeBSD?