Ghostscript and accented characters

I have a freebsd FreeBSD (6.2) server creating pdf files from postscript files uploaded from xp clients. Pdfs are created by ghostscript 8.71:

gs -dSAFER -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/home/szucs/proba5.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -dEmbedAllFonts=true" -f /home/szucs/

The problem is: the pdfs look OK on screen, but accented characters "ő" and "ű" cannot be searched or correctly extracted from them in Acroread.

Here are the fonts in a correct pdf created by OpenOffice (on xp):
proxymeei1# pdffonts /home/szucs/proba.pdf
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
BAAAAA+TimesNewRomanPSMT             TrueType     yes yes yes      9  0
proxymeei1# pdffonts /home/szucs/proba1.pdf

and here are the fonts in a pdf made of the same file using ghostscript:
proxymeei1# pdffonts /home/szucs/proba5.pdf
name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Times-Roman                          Type 1       no  no  no       8  0
CXOYBI+TimesNewRoman                 TrueType     yes yes yes      9  0

Why are there two fonts? Why are characters ő and ű incorrectly handled? Is there a font missing for ghostscript to do this correctly?