Other Getting NTFS partitions to auto mount in 10.1?

Hoping this is pretty straightforward but after many hours can't find a particularly `newbie friendly` guide on how to do it. I have many drives with many NTFS partitions alongside my 10.1 install, and they all show in the Mate file explorer, yet attempting to right-click mount them or such just throws up that it "Cannot mount volume (name)". What's the trick to it? Ideally I'd just like all of them available immediately after login.
Insert in /etc/fstab string:
#Device         Mountpoint     FStype        Option      Dump    Pass
/dev/ada2s2     /mnt/HDD/C:     ntfs          rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,fmask=133,late   0       0
respectively, replacing /dev/ada2s2 and /mnt/HDD/C: to your device and mount point