FTP whitelist


I have a simple home server, but I'm a little obsessed with security. Is it possible with the "integrated" ftpd to disallow all the users but one? I mean, instead of specifying the disallowed users in /etc/ftpusers, is there a way to allow only one user?

Thanks ;)
pashos_nix said:
So what's about /etc/ftpchroots?
I'm already using /etc/ftpchroot to chroot the user to its home directory, but that's not what I want to do. I want to completely disallow the other users. Is it possible?
You're obsessed with security yet you run an insecure and cleartext protocol like FTP? That doesn't quite add up.

Have you considered using sftp(1)?
SirDice said:
You're obsessed with security yet you run an insecure and cleartext protocol like FTP? That doesn't quite add up.

Have you considered using sftp(1)?
I have an older Mac OS 8 machine. I sometimes need to transfer some files, the easiest way to do this is via FTP. SFTP is not supported. I have created a user just for this though, that's why I'd like to enable FTP just for this user.

Abriel said:
I am using ftp/proftpd and there you can
<Limit LOGIN>
AllowUser user user1
Thanks, I'll give it a look!