Other Frio?

I was doing some research on window manager architecture. Mainly out of curiosity. Also using chatgpt for reference along with official documentation. When asking chatgpt about window managers, windowing systems, etc other than x and wayland, kde, etc it mentioned Frio? Apparently a port of rio from Plan9. It doesn't show up on freshports, in ports or in the waybackmachine. When trying to clone the github using the link provided by chatgpt it seems it may have been made private as git asks for me to log in.

Does anyone know anything about this and possibly were the source can be obtained if it even existed in the first place?
If you like the workflow of Rio, then perhaps grab the X11 Window Manager from Plan9port.


With some minor fiddling with a Makefile, it is pretty much standalone (don't need the rest of Plan9Port installed)

I appreciate the on point response. I have that. I've been exploring it as well but I was more interested in seeing the changes that were made in the Frio port. More of a curiosity thing. There's almost no information about it out there and the git being made private just makes it more intriguing.