Solved FreeBSD - Moving from UFS to ZFS Using two SSDs?

So here's my situation:

I've a server with two equally sized SSDs:
/dev/ada0 Boot drive, has UFS on it
/dev/ada1 Secondary drive, has a zpool with a single stripe disk

So my eventual goal is to get ada0 and ada1 to be in a striped (and if that's not possible, mirrored) zpool.

The issue is my hosting provider does not support FreeBSD and does not want to offer me the ability to mount an ISO as this is a baremetal instance.

Data isn't an issue, I've no data on this, just the OS. How should I go about getting this done?
Is this a dedicated server with 2 SSDs or your hosting provider is giving you some SSD storage from they SSD SAN? Because if this is dedicated server then you can make a USB boot disk and boot from it then reformat and start using ZFS or gmirror on top of UFS.
But if this is a virtual host that is using some SSD storage space from big SSD storage that your hosting is using then there's no need to make another raid on top of your virtual disks. Then you need to know what is the backup policy of your hosting provider if there's any. And if there's NONE then you should change your hosting provider!