If i recall correct the new release of 7.1 will include a dvd

Also in the snapshot directory there are -CURRENT dvd images.

Johan Hendriks
FreeBSD on DVD

Yep, the next releases will also be available on DVD.

Thanks to Ken Smith who added the necessary makefile glue, it should be possible to download 7.1-RELEASE in one DVD image (instead of 2-3 CD-ROM images).
susanth said:
Why FreeBSD is still on CDROM Standard :( ?
May be to get Wide Reachablity :)

A Single DVD is easy to install; No Disk Swapping Overhead

IIRC, the explaination to not offer DVD is because of the excessive bandwidth. Also, most users dont need DVD, but if we do offer DVD, they still download because they dont wanna feel like missing anything.

Personally I never download FreeBSD DVD. If I need to do fresh install, I just download the Fixit CD and choose FTP install
I don't see a real need for a dvd. When I needed an ISO I simply downloaded the 1st CD ISO. Enough for a clean and simple install. After that, ports and everything online
corrosion said:
I don't see a real need for a dvd. When I needed an ISO I simply downloaded the 1st CD ISO. Enough for a clean and simple install. After that, ports and everything online

I guess it's useful if you've got a slow line at home, but access to a fast line somewhere else.
Most people like DVD's now so they don't have to switch discs out since I do know that sysinstall sometimes can ask for one disc then ask for the other disc that was in the drive before the new disc was placed in.

Djn said:
I guess it's useful if you've got a slow line at home, but access to a fast line somewhere else.

You're quite right.

I remember that when I first got into FreeBSD (with 3.3-RELEASE) I had a badass Internet connection available at the university but no Internet at all in my dorm room. Therefore, the ports collection was no option but fortunately there was a coherent set of binary packages on discs. However, changing discs like a DJ was a bit of a hassle. So in my opinion there are some valid reasons for having a DVD rather than 3 or 4 CDs.

bsddaemon said:
...not offer DVD is because of the excessive bandwidth. Also, most users dont need DVD, ...

Let the DVD be in Torrent format only; there by saving enough Bandwidth.

in Case of 6.4 release; the FTP has DVD and Torrent has no DVD !!!
If it was reverse, there would be a good amount of bandwidth saving.

...but if we do offer DVD, they still download because they dont wanna feel like missing anything...

I don't think so. If we have 1.44 Floppy disk version of Base system and such disk images. Will people download that too to avoid missing feeling... ?
I don't think so. (Sorry; it's only my view)

These are the situations where moderator could Put a poll and understand the end users Feeling; by looking into the voting result. For E.g.:
Do you Like a DVD image of FreeBSD Release ?
1) No DVD; CDROM is enough
2) Yes; CD & DVD Required
3) DVD alone is enough

NOTE: Please make note that every one in the world does not have high speed internet to do FTP install.
I know the PC-BSD folks had offered a DVD download. Previously I'd only downloaded CD 1 and used the Ports from there. But I'm doing a lot of test configurations in a particular VM which plays nice with FBSD 7 save for networking functions. So I've been playing the .iso juggling the past day.

I've been testing other distros with either live DVD's or distros on DVD and it's been nice to have 1 .iso for installation.
susanth said:
Let the DVD be in Torrent format only; there by saving enough Bandwidth.
susanth said:
These are the situations where moderator could Put a poll and understand the end users Feeling; by looking into the voting result. For E.g.:
Do you Like a DVD image of FreeBSD Release ?
1) No DVD; CDROM is enough
2) Yes; CD & DVD Required
3) DVD alone is enough

Two great suggestions. I wouldn't mind seeding for the community and I'm also all in for a DVD image to be created.
Kitche said:
Most people like DVD's now so they don't have to switch discs out since I do know that sysinstall sometimes can ask for one disc then ask for the other disc that was in the drive before the new disc was placed in.

Ken Smith has made a few changes to sysinstall to fix the "infinite CD swapping prompts" problem. I haven't had a chance to test this with 6.4 yet, but it's worth trying :)
keramida@ said:
Ken Smith has made a few changes to sysinstall to fix the "infinite CD swapping prompts" problem. I haven't had a chance to test this with 6.4 yet, but it's worth trying :)

yea that's what he said one time on the NFLUG mailing list. never really tried it since anymore I just do a pkg_add -r after I install.
The DVD option is good for OEMs who want to offer FreeBSD as an operating system with new systems. Yeah I know this doesn't happen a lot ;) but a man can dream...
I was surprised, and initially disappointed, not to find an official DVD. I feared all kinds of disk-swapping hell, so I made my own DVD from the CD isos before even booting.

After installing and updating my system a few times now (don't worry, I'm having fun) I now see the logic behind offering CDs. I do a very basic install, no packages, and no ports (they're out-of-date, so I portsnap/freebsd-update). I almost certainly only needed CD1. I guess a DVD would be useful for some around the time of release (where media and ports are closer), but for where things stand right now with 7.0, or for anyone looking to be on current, it'd be a waste of bandwidth.

I'm hoping there's still a small download for 7.1. I'll be using that rather than a DVD full of software I'll never install, or that will be out-of-date in a few weeks. (That's assuming I screw-up the official upgrade method of course - i.e. likely :))
We all do ...
Having CDs is not a bad thing .. is a _good_ one !!
Having a DVD is a really nice addition ...

But nobody is saying "there should be no CDs .. it's DVDs or nothing!".


[gonzalo@inferna ~]% ftp
Trying 2001:4f8:0:2::e...
Trying 2001:6c8:6:4::7...
Connected to
220 Welcome to
Name ( anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/7.1/
250 Directory successfully changed.
ftp> ls
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||52028|)
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     38094848 Dec 07 18:27 7.1-RC1-i386-bootonly.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     579241984 Dec 07 18:28 7.1-RC1-i386-disc1.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     556623872 Dec 07 18:30 7.1-RC1-i386-disc2.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     611401728 Dec 07 18:32 7.1-RC1-i386-disc3.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     301572096 Dec 07 18:40 7.1-RC1-i386-docs.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     1895973319 Dec 07 18:39 7.1-RC1-i386-dvd1.iso.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002     231831552 Dec 07 18:41 7.1-RC1-i386-livefs.iso
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002          450 Dec 07 18:45 CHECKSUM.MD5
-rw-r--r--    1 110      1002          695 Dec 07 18:48 CHECKSUM.SHA256
226 Directory send OK.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
[gonzalo@inferna ~]%

There you go .. ;)