FreeBSD 9.0 ISO Differences

Can someone please tell me what the difference between these two ISO files are? I realize one will fit on a CD and the other on a DVD but is the content different? Thank you!

FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso	626,746 KB

FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso    2,332,550 KB
Well, they're still useful if you don't want to wait for thousands of files to be downloaded separately.
Just download one single ISO before upgrading and you have virtually every file you need to have a full working desktop ready in 15 minutes. And most of these will remain up to date for a few months at least.

I personally don't use it because I don't use any DE or any of the heaviest packages included there, so it's actually faster for me to download the few packages I need.

I have downloaded this iso:

Looking through it, I cannot find the MD5 checksum.

Where should I look?

Thank you.