freebsd 11 locale problem

Hi there,

Already 2 times I try to update from latest 10.3 to 11.0 but I can't get it ok. There is a problem with the PostgreSQL database. Something about locale. This is a zabbix server. Fortunatly it's a vmware VM so it ends with revert to snapshot.
Before I try a 3rd time to get exact error messages, does someone had the same problem and solved it ? I mean upgrade 10.3 --> 11 and then PostgreSQL not available any more ?
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At the very end of ugrade I get things like that :

sudo su -
sudo: error in /usr/local/etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin `sudoers_policy'
sudo: unable to load /usr/local/libexec/sudo/ Shared object "" not found, required by ""
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins

And about postgres and locale :

   632:20161019:223929.275 watchdog: database is down
   614:20161019:223941.665 Got signal [signal:15(SIGTERM),sender_pid:28160,sender_uid:0,reason:65537]. Exiting ...
   614:20161019:223943.710 [Z3001] connection to database 'zabbix' failed: [0] FATAL:  database locale is incompatible with operating system
DETAIL:  The database was initialized with LC_CTYPE "en_US.UTF-8",  which is not recognized by setlocale().
HINT:  Recreate the database with another locale or install the missing locale.

   614:20161019:223943.710 Cannot connect to the database. Exiting...

Ofc, sudo postgres and the rest were ok in 10.3.
so it's not a postgresql issue, it's a sudo issue.

The upgrade procedure says to rebuild / reinstall all packages after a major release upgrade. It sounds like you didn't do it. Either that or you are failing while trying to do it.
Can't you just remove all packages and reinstall them?
You should not use sudo in FreeBSD. You should login as root or superuser but not sudo as it is not part of the base system.

To upgrade your pkg to FreeBSD 11 pkg, issue this command pkg-static install -f pkg

Login as root and then do pkg upgrade -f to reinstall everything.
so it's not a postgresql issue, it's a sudo issue.

The upgrade procedure says to rebuild / reinstall all packages after a major release upgrade. It sounds like you didn't do it. Either that or you are failing while trying to do it.
Can't you just remove all packages and reinstall them?
Just rebuilt the Zabbix server port and upgraded all the packages.
And the result is ok.
I think I just did it at the wrong time. Maybe rebuilt too soon or rebooted before pkg upgrade or something like that.
Thanks anyway.