FreeBSD 10.3 - Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended

Didn't want to hijack another thread so here is issue I'm having. the output from uname -a is as follows:

FreeBSD www 10.1-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr  7 01:09:46 UTC 2015  amd64
So from the looks of it I'm waaaaay behind.

I ran freebsd-update fetch and its telling me that it'll upgrade me to the following:

The following files will be removed as part of updating to 10.1-RELEASE-p45:

So it looks like it wants to take me to an upgraded version of 10.1.

My question is, how do I get it to at least 10.3?
ok ran that everything seems to have gone ok, execept now the compiler is somehow broke and trying to fix it I'm running into all kinds of issues.

Issuing a make in /usrports/devel/cmake it blows up trying to compile CURL.

Did I miss a step? and how do I fix it now?
Ok it looks like something is definitely not working, I can ssh into the box but none of the services (sendmail, apache, etc.) are working. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
What's in the logs? Usually it's a good practice to recompile everything after update, but usually most of the ports continue to work after minor FreeBSD upgrade.
Did you follow the upgrade instructions closely and run freebsd-update install to install the new kernel, then reboot, then run freebsd-update install again to install the updated userland.
Well I thought we did but apparently we didn't get it right and when we rebooted it, everything we have reinstalled the base OS back to 10.1 and will attempt to merge what we can back, but first we need to upgrade the base to 10.3 and at least get current.

When I attempted to execute freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.3 it says it can't find the command, so I'm assuming that is part of the portmaster package?

I don't want to mess this up again...
here is what I'm getting when I attempt to run freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.3:
root@ID12153:/var/log #  freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.3
Looking up mirrors... none found.
Fetching metadata signature for 10.1-RELEASE from failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.
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