Forum Slow

Fixed my foot.
At the expense of putting my foot in my mouth, I'm still scratching my head here. I realize that this forum is free to me and that I'm owed nothing. However, there is something unusual going on here. Specifically:
1/ What is the secrecy all about?
2/ Why isn't a down or broken server fixed right away?

Regarding one, I don't think there's a security problem with a little transparency. Regarding two, FreeBSD is mostly about servers so I would expect at least average expertise and interest in being able to run one. How many minutes does it take to fix or update a situation like this? Surely whoever is doing it can spare a few minutes considering that this is a fairly high profile forum. It is not that I'm not grateful. It is just that this situation is so very strange and unusual. Is there a control or personality issue somewhere in the background? One has to wonder.
1/ What secrecy?
2/ Because this is a volunteer effort and at least some of the volunteer admins were halfway around the world at a conference, away from their normal admin tools and environment. Solving a problem requires recognition that there is a problem, then time to analyze it and develop a solution. BSD conferences are pretty immersive, and frequently isolate the attendees from the normal routines.
Noticed it was slow last night too. Thought it was the VPN, but it was like that from two different places in Europe.
1/ What secrecy?
Well nobody knows who to call. Nobody posted to say I'll look at it when I can, or even acknowledge the problem in any way. It's all in darkness. Perhaps that's inadvertent, but it certainly feels odd. :)
Yay IPv4 works now so I guess it was unrelated, but I still wish to point out that the sites IPv6 is not answering at all on port 443 and does connect on port 80 but now hangs.
# telnet -6 443
Trying 2607:fc50:1:c600:216:3eff:fe15:195...
telnet: connect to address 2607:fc50:1:c600:216:3eff:fe15:195: Operation timed out
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
# telnet -6 80
Trying 2607:fc50:1:c600:216:3eff:fe15:195...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Connection closed by foreign host.
# telnet -6 80
Trying 2607:fc50:1:c600:216:3eff:fe15:195...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.1

Connection closed by foreign host.
Still not sure of the exact problem or solution, but it was brd@ who fixed it. He also upgraded me from steerage-class on the plane back from AsiaBSDCon, so a double thanks!
No, really - thanks for fixing the forum. Now I can be blabbermouth again because the delay threshold is below my patience settings.