Solved Fonts disappeared after recent upgrade

I recently upgraded my ports, reading /usr/ports/UPDATING as expected. After upgrading my ports, however, I've lost all of my bitmap fonts. More accurately, they're still installed, but xlsfonts no longer lists them and I can no longer load them. The system cannot find
-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-10-100-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1, my font of preference: I am forced to use Fixed:size=8, which doesn't have the Unicode support I desire. xlsfonts lists only 6 entries:
$ xlsfonts
I've tried xset fp rehash, and I've tried reinstalling the relevant ports from the ports tree to no avail. I also tried fc-cache -f and rebooted.

What changes did the recent upgrade make? The UPDATING message goes into detail about what changes were made, but not how these changes will affect users nor how to fix them. Whatever configuration changes were made seem to have broken my font configuration.
Try one of these two options. If you have an xorg.conf update your font paths. For example I updated mine to
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/75dpi/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/100dpi/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/dejavu/"
#	Fontpath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/Droid/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/GentiumBasic/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/Liberation/"	
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/misc/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/OTF/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/TTF/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/Type1/"
	FontPath     "/usr/local/share/fonts/webfonts/"
Those paths used to be /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/*.

The other option (that I haven't tried) is described in the UPDATING entry. That is, make symlinks in /usr/local/etc/X11/fontpath.d/ to the font directories. You might have to create the fontpath.d directory.

The UPDATING entry also says,
All fonts ports have been modified to respect XDG and install in share/fonts. The Xorg servers now are looking there by default.
This doesn't seem to be the case.
Try one of these two options. If you have an xorg.conf update your font paths. For example I updated mine to
The other option (that I haven't tried) is described in the UPDATING entry. That is, make symlinks in /usr/local/etc/X11/fontpath.d/ to the font directories. You might have to create the fontpath.d directory.

Thank you kindly. Doing this allowed the system to find my fonts again. I did not do so because, as you say:

This doesn't seem to be the case.

The same UPDATING message falsely claims that Xorg servers now look in share/fonts by default.