Fldigi and FreeBSD

Has anyone here successfully installed and run Fldigi and an interface like SignaLink or a DRA unit on their FreeBSD install?

If so, what did you do to make it work?

Well, despite diligent searching on the web and here, I have not yet found anyone, either in FreeBSD-land, or even Linux-land, who has managed to activate C-Media PTT in Fldigi.

My install of Fldigi works completely correctly to receive, but without being able to activate the C-Medial PTT function, I cannot transmit while using my Masters Communications model DRA interface.

My system, at boot, discovers the C-Media device, and apparently assigns it to uhid1 on ugen0.6, but I have not yet discovered how to get that info "installed" into FLdigi. This is necessary in order activate the PTT function. In Windoze, this is done through a GPIO on pin 13 of the C-Media device, or GPIO 3.

On installation of FLdigi, the "modem" was found just fine for receive, but FLdigi did NOT find the C-Media device needed for the PTT function. This device is a CM-110 device, although as I understand it, a CM-109 device-driver would also work, IFF FLdigi would find it.

It has become very clear that other users, almost all of them Linux users, have succeeded in activating this function, but so far, I have not found any details from anyone on HOW they did this, and unfortunately, I don't yet know enough to do it myself.

MAC users have also had success with this issue, and I have searched for solultions from that group. My thinking is that since the later MAC OS's are, apparently, a modiied version of FreeBSD, that any MAC solutions would be easily usable with FreeBSD. But. again, I have not been able fo find any details on HOW this is done.

Obviously, what I need to do is a rare enough occurrence in FreeBSD-land that, so far, no one else here has had this problem.

What I want to, eventually, accomplish is to publish a complete HOW TO for other FreeBSD users on how to do this.

Still digging...

Ken Gordon
Doing more digging yesterday, I found a file in the packages,
which seemed to be able to do what I need. I installed it successfully. Now I have to learn how to use it.
