I have a server under Debian 8 with a HP PSC 2350 series connected on USB port.
For allow printing on the others computers on my network, I shared the printer with a CUPS server.
So, I can print perfectly with my laptop on Debian 8 (detecting, installing and configuring automatically the remote printer via CUPS). Nice !
But with my other laptop on FreeBSD 11.0 x64, nothing works automatically. I have installed and configured the remote printer on my CUPS client. So I can see his status and send document to print. But print a testing page (or any doc) does not work. This error is returned: Filter failed (both on client and server).
I followed this https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/cups/ to configure my CUPS client on my FreeBSD laptop.
What I found on the Debian 8 CUPS server
What I found on the FreeBSD 11 laptop
I have a lot of log lines, so if you are brave I can send all the lines.
Seriously it has been 3 days since I look, but I don't see any way to solve this issue.
I tried to replace cups-filters with foomatic, but does not work.
I tried to comment the following line on /usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/PSC-2350-series.ppd
It print but only strange characters...
I'm not a printer engineer, I don't understand what happens. I think the CUPS server was correctly configured, I can print perfectly on my Debian 8 laptop.
So, I'm out of ideas. If anyone have one...
I have a server under Debian 8 with a HP PSC 2350 series connected on USB port.
For allow printing on the others computers on my network, I shared the printer with a CUPS server.
So, I can print perfectly with my laptop on Debian 8 (detecting, installing and configuring automatically the remote printer via CUPS). Nice !
But with my other laptop on FreeBSD 11.0 x64, nothing works automatically. I have installed and configured the remote printer on my CUPS client. So I can see his status and send document to print. But print a testing page (or any doc) does not work. This error is returned: Filter failed (both on client and server).
I followed this https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/cups/ to configure my CUPS client on my FreeBSD laptop.
root@beastie:~ # uname -a
FreeBSD beastie 11.0-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p8 #0: Wed Feb 22 06:12:04 UTC 2017 root@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
root@beastie:~ # pkg info | grep cups
root@beastie:~ # pkg info | grep hp
root@beastie:~ # pkg info | grep gutenprint
What I found on the Debian 8 CUPS server
root@antares:~/# cat /var/log/cups/error_log
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups (PID 2680)
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp (PID 2681)
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] prnt/hpcups/HPCupsFilter.cpp 530: cupsRasterOpen failed, fd = 7
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] prnt/backend/hp.c 902: ERROR: null print job total=0
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] PID 2680 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups) stopped with status 1.
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to "debug" to find out more.
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] PID 2681 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] End of messages
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] printer-state=3(idle)
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] printer-state-message="Filter failed"
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:50 +0100] [Job 59] printer-state-reasons=none
What I found on the FreeBSD 11 laptop
root@beastie:~ # cat /var/log/cups/error_log
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] job-id integer 59
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] requesting-user-name nameWithoutLanguage root
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] last-document boolean true
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] document-format mimeMediaType application/vnd.cups-raster
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] ---- end-of-attributes-tag ----
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] Filter failed
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s=\"(null)\")
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] ---- operation-attributes-tag ----
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] attributes-charset charset utf-8
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] attributes-natural-language naturalLanguage fr-fr
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] ---- printer-attributes-tag ----
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] printer-is-accepting-jobs boolean true
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] printer-state enum idle
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] printer-state-message textWithoutLanguage Filter failed
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] printer-state-reasons keyword none
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] document-format-supported 1setOf mimeMediaType application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/postscript,application/vnd.adobe-reader-postscript,application/vnd.cups-pdf,application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner,application/vnd.cups-postscript,application/vnd.cups-raster,application/vnd.cups-raw,application/x-cshell,application/x-csource,application/x-perl,application/x-shell,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/png,image/pwg-raster,image/tiff,image/urf,image/x-bitmap,image/x-photocd,image/x-portable-anymap,image/x-portable-bitmap,image/x-portable-graymap,image/x-portable-pixmap,image/x-sgi-rgb,image/x-sun-raster,image/x-xbitmap,image/x-xpixmap,image/x-xwindowdump,text/css,text/html,text/plain
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] print-color-mode-supported 1setOf keyword monochrome,color
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] compression-supported 1setOf keyword none,gzip
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] copies-supported rangeOfInteger 1-9999
D [20/Mar/2017:22:30:47 +0100] [Job 21] cups-version textWithoutLanguage 1.7.5
I have a lot of log lines, so if you are brave I can send all the lines.
Seriously it has been 3 days since I look, but I don't see any way to solve this issue.
I tried to replace cups-filters with foomatic, but does not work.
I tried to comment the following line on /usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/PSC-2350-series.ppd
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 hpcups"
It print but only strange characters...
I'm not a printer engineer, I don't understand what happens. I think the CUPS server was correctly configured, I can print perfectly on my Debian 8 laptop.
So, I'm out of ideas. If anyone have one...