File /var/.snap/dump_snapshot


I found that the /var/.snap/dump_snapshot file used 8 GB of disk space:
# ls -lh /var/.snap/
total 5120
-r--------  1 root  operator   8.0G Jan  6  2013 dump_snapshot

As I understood, it was created when I ran a filesystem dump. But can I delete it now? Do I need to re-create it again after deleting?

Check the dump(8) manualpage, it explains the whole thing (check the section about the -L option).

However, I'm tempted to conclude that something went wrong with the backup. Because it clearly says that the snapshot is eventually unlinked and removed after usage. I can't tell for sure since I don't use dump myself, but just in case you might want to double check the integrity of your backup before deleting this file.
I made it about a year ago :) So I think it is really a needless file.I will try to remove it . By the way: yes, as I remember , something was wrong.

Thanks for the reply.