Solved Error with firefox port

Hello, I try install firefox port with the commands:

cd /usr/ports/www/firefox
make config-recursive install clean

It was trying a day compiling since the equipment is very old, but today I watch as it goes, and I see the following error:

===> Compilation failed unexpectedly
Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes and rebuild before reporting the failure to the maintainer
*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/firefox

Why does this error happen?

The error seems to be in multimedia/ffmpeg and happens before the output you posted. Can you post a little more of it?

Do you have anything in /etc/make.conf?

The full output is:

===>  Staging for firefox-51.0.1,1
===>   firefox-51.0.1,1 depends on package: ffmpeg>=0.8,1 - not found
===>  Building for ffmpeg-3.2.2_4,1
gmake[4]: Entering directory '/usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg/work/ffmpeg-3.2.2'
LD    ffmpeg_g
gmake[4]: Leaving directory '/usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg/work/ffmpeg-3.2.2'
===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.
Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes and rebuild before reporting the failure to
the maintainer.
*** Error code 1

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg
*** Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/ffmpeg
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/firefox
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/firefox

My /etc/make.conf is empty.
As tobik mentioned, try building multimedia/ffmpeg first. Make sure to 'reset' the options, to build it using the default settings.

And on what version of FreeBSD are you getting this?
I can not compile firefox, during compilation is frozen showing:
I used the default flags.
I've finally reinstalled Freebsd and I get this strange fail again, but this time I've compiled absolutely all the ports with the default options with the line:

setenv batch 1

If I compile the port x11/kde4 which depends on ffmpeg, ffmpeg fail compilation, but if I compile manually multimedia/ffmpeg, the compilation finish correctly.

How can this happen?

If I compile the port x11/kde4 which depends on ffmpeg, ffmpeg fail compilation, but if I compile manually multimedia/ffmpeg, the compilation finish correctly.

How can this happen?

It looks like you're using Portmaster or Portupgrade. I would recommend removing all ports, installing them again using pkg(8), and using either ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth from now on. Both are great tools, but Synth is simpler and probably better if you're building and installing on the same system; while Poudriere is the official FreeBSD packaging tool and is a little more complicated, but is more "thorough" and geared more toward building for several machines.
It looks like you're using Portmaster or Portupgrade. I would recommend removing all ports, installing them again using pkg(8), and using either ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth from now on. Both are great tools, but Synth is simpler and probably better if you're building and installing on the same system; while Poudriere is the official FreeBSD packaging tool and is a little more complicated, but is more "thorough" and geared more toward building for several machines.

Thanks for response.

I am not using either portmaster or portupgrade, use only make install clean to install all ports, with BATCH for set defaults flags in all ports.

As more data, if I could say that I used a mini-script in tcsh to automate the compilation of several ports, the script is this:


cd /usr/ports
setenv BATCH 1
foreach x ($argv)

 if (-d $x) then

  echo "installing $x port"
  cd $x
  make install clean
  cd /usr/ports



And I use it with:

script x11/xorg devel/dbus sysutils/hal x11/kde4

But It is only for install, not for upgrade ports.

Can this script have anything to do with failing ffmpeg?
now the obligatory quote:

don't build on main system. That's what portmaster/portupgrade do, which is why anonkusa assumed you were using those.

So then this is because the ports/build system is only for advanced users?, I am not compiling in main system, is other old computer that I use for learning systems like Frebsd.
doesn't matter.
use ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth or expect problems like this frequently.

You don't understand what I mean by "main" system.

If you do something like cd /usr/ports/editor/joe && make install then you're building on a live system. It doesn't matter if it's an old computer or not, you're not building in a clean environment (aka jail). That's is the source of your issues.
doesn't matter.
use ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth or expect problems like this frequently.

You don't understand what I mean by "main" system.

If you do something like cd /usr/ports/editor/joe && make install then you're building on a live system. It doesn't matter if it's an old computer or not, you're not building in a clean environment (aka jail). That's is the source of your issues.

Thanks for response, I am trying to learn about this operating system.

I have never used jails. I understand that ports-mgmt / synth is a tool for install ports, but to date I conscientiously believed that the way to install a port was simply with make install in a port directory.
Then, I understand that if you install ports on the main system it may fail and that I need a ports "manager" for this task (which I suppose will then create some jail from behind).

It's correct?

If so, what is the reason that fails to compile in a live system?
i'm not using the word "jail" here literally. We mean "clean environment". On poudriere, that's accomplished with an actual jail. On synth, that's simulated with many mounts and chroot.

neither of these tools are port managers. They build ports in a reproducible environment. Nobody can reproduce your environment because it's on your system and we can only guess the state of the dependencies, etc.

nobody knows why it's failing for your because nobody knows what you have. it's random. also known as "dirty".

If I were to design a ports system, I'd make it impossible to build on dirty environments. It's supported, but I think that's a major downside of ports, not a good feature. Others will disagree strongly with me.
i'm not using the word "jail" here literally. We mean "clean environment". On poudriere, that's accomplished with an actual jail. On synth, that's simulated with many mounts and chroot.

neither of these tools are port managers. They build ports in a reproducible environment. Nobody can reproduce your environment because it's on your system and we can only guess the state of the dependencies, etc.

nobody knows why it's failing for your because nobody knows what you have. it's random. also known as "dirty".

If I were to design a ports system, I'd make it impossible to build on dirty environments. It's supported, but I think that's a major downside of ports, not a good feature. Others will disagree strongly with me.

Ok, I think I'm already understanding this, when compiling a port in the "main", being each different system can give this type of problems, so with ports-mgmt / poudriere or ports-mgmt / synth each port is compiled In an "isolated compilation environment".

Correct me if I indulge.
There is no need for a re-install of the FreeBSD system. Check the docs of synth, Then can delete all compiled ports, install synth and continue.
Trying to install www/firefox fails on devel/llvm39-3.9.1_1:
===> Building package for llvm39-3.9.1_1
file sizes/checksums [3347]: .......... done
packing files [3347]: ......Child process pid=96087 terminated abnormally: Killed
*** Error code 1

The installation succeeds with poudriere, portsmaster or make install clean.

Any ideas?